
ROBIN avatar image
ROBIN asked ROBIN commented

3 types of items in a separator with different Splitting quantity

Hello guys ! I'm new to the Flexsim and I need your help with my project.
I have a source that gives three types of items (by percentage) and each of these items needs to go into a separator with different split quantity. I need to label the splitted parts according to the labels and quantities presented in the table attached.
it doesn't matter if the different items go into one of different queues.

Thank you guys in advance!!

FlexSim 23.2.3
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered ROBIN commented

I would use the OnEntry trigger of the separator to create an array of values which will be assigned to the exiting items.

  1. Array subTypes = [];
  2. Table splitData = Table("SplitData");
  3. for(int col = 1; col <= splitData.numCols; col++)
  4. {
  5.     string name = splitData.getColHeader(col);
  6.     int qty = splitData[item.Type][col];
  7.     subTypes.append(Array(qty).fill(name));
  8. }
  10. current.setProperty("SeparateQty", subTypes.length);
  11. current.SubTypes = subTypes;

In OnExit trigger the first element of the array would then be assigned to the item and removed from the array (so the array is empty once all items have exited).

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