
Valentina A2 avatar image
Valentina A2 asked zacharyh answered

how to create list and create picking from the rack using the list?

Good morning 
I want to make a model in which there are both racks and conveyors. The tote arrives from the conveyor to the picking station. In the picking station there is an operator to which a list of boxes to be picked is associated. Each box to be picked up has a fixed position in the rack. How can I assign the operator the list of products to be picked from each rack? The operator can pick up one product at a time. After the operator has picked up the products, he must place them in the assigned tote that is stationary on the conveyor waiting to be set up. in the attached model I have assumed three orders. The first order must pick 2 products from rack 1, 1 product from rack 2 and 1 product from rack 3. From rack 1 the products must be picked from bay 1 level 2 and bay 2 level 1.

pick to list.fsm

thank you so much
FlexSim 20.1.2
operatorrackconveyorspickingglobal list
pick-to-list.fsm (56.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered

It looks like this question may be part of a homework assignment or academic project. The professors who assign simulation modeling exercises using FlexSim expect that the academic integrity of their assignments will be maintained. In addition, we are supportive of Honor Codes (or Honor Pledges) that regulate the behavior surrounding academic assignments.

I recommend checking out our best practices page on the subject (, which includes some resources that you should find helpful as you use FlexSim for academic purposes. I also highly recommend Dr. Allen Greenwood’s FlexSim Primer (, which was written specifically for students and professors.

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