
Luca S4 avatar image
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Luca S4 asked Luca S4 commented

can i stop the experimenter between 22 and 6 o clock?


my process is build on a date modell in realtime. The imaginary factory is closed between 22 and 6 o clock. But my dashboard and every avrg. staytime e.g. is been traked through those times.

And for data from the experimenter is it the same principle.

How can i change that?

Thank you in advance

FlexSim 18.1.2
experimenterflexsim 18.1.2dashboard datadatetime
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Luca S4 commented

If the time between 22 and 6 needs to be excluded from all statistics, then it would be better not to simulate it. You can just know that the model has run for so many hours.

One of the problems you may find in doing that is that the time plot shows dates and times on its x axis, where you would want to see a duration. In later versions of FlexSim (like version 2020 or version 2020 Updat 2), you can easily switch your chart to show duration. In the version you're working with, you would need to make sure that the data you gather is model time (possibly converted to minutes or hours). And to do that, you may need to install chart templates and modify the stats collector. If you need help doing that, post a question, and we'll sort you out.

There is not a way to move the clock in FlexSim without affecting the statistics. So I think re-designing your model to be duration based is the only way to go, if you need that time skipped.

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