
FRANCESCO S2 avatar image
FRANCESCO S2 asked Raja Sekaran answered

How can I change token's information in array information?


Hi everyone, in my model I would that my task executer travel in my warehouse in order to pick box from different rack.

I give travel information to task executer in "travel TaskExecuter" but i would like to modify token information in array information. the array information is showed in picture but I have to write this information in a string to put in "destination" in "travel TaskExecuter".

May anybody help me?

FlexSim 20.0.0
travelflexsim 20.0.0tokendestination
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im3.png (484.8 KiB)
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Raja Sekaran avatar image
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Raja Sekaran answered


In the attached model, SkuOrd and QtyOrd label contains array value. You can assign the destination in the travel activity using token.ITEM label value like below.

Let me know if this is what you are looking for.


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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered FRANCESCO S2 commented

You convert a pointer (e.g. treenode, Object) into a string by the method getpath().


If you want to put the string into an array, you create an empty array.


And then you add an element to the array.


But I do not know, why do you want to do this, because you can put the marked label value as a direct destination into the "Travel to" activity



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FRANCESCO S2 avatar image FRANCESCO S2 commented ·
First thank everybody for the answers.I did not use token.ITEM because i am not sure that the task executer reaches the right position near the rack to pick the item.

For example in a case where the task executer have to pick an object at the end of rack 11, are we sure that with "destination: token.ITEM", in "travel task executer", it goes at the end of the rack and not in the middle, for example?

I would that the task executer reaches the best position near the item,placed in rack, becuase I suppose that the operation of picking should be done by robotic arm and it doesn't have huge dimension.

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