
Martin B6 avatar image
Martin B6 asked Martin B6 commented

Create items with different sizes?


How can I create multiple items with different shapes using the process flow? I have 5 different products (SKUs) with different shapes. I have created a global table with the different product shapes of the SKUs. Can anyone help me and show me how to integrate this global table into the simulation? (This is only a sample model in the real case I have about 500 different products with different shapes.)

Many thanks!!



FlexSim 20.2.3
process flowflexsim 20.2.3create object
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Martin B6 commented

Here are some changes to your model:

  • I choose randomly a SKU string from table "ProductShapes". Therefore I assign a random row to a token label called "tableRowProductShape". I assign the string value of a cell in your table of the column "SKU" matching with chosen row number.
  • I use the row value to assign the value of first, second ond third column of the table as x-size, y-size and z-size values by look up table.


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