
Luca S4 avatar image
Luca S4 asked Ben Wilson commented

How to get the lead time after joining in combiner


i want to get the leadtime of my product from the beginning to the end of a production. In between is a combiner in join mode. If i track the Entry time of my parts, as a label, they will be destroyed after the joining process. How do i get a label from those parts with the earliest EntryTime onto my FlowItem leaving the combiner? Is that possible with the recycling FlowItems option?

I have the same question for the seperator.

Thx a lot

Luca S.

FlexSim 18.1.2
combinerlabelflexsim 18.1.2joinleadtime
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You can add something like this to an entry trigger of the combiner:

  1. if (content(current)>1)
  2. current.first.starttime=minof(current.first.starttime,item.starttime);

Example attached.


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