
Parker S avatar image
Parker S posted Parker S commented

Autodesk Interoperability FlexSim Module Now Available

Autodesk has released a module that provides better functionality between FlexSim and Autodesk software. FlexSim users can download the module by navigating to the “3rd Party Modules” tab on the FlexSim downloads page:

Downloads - FlexSim Account


Please note that the module will work with FlexSim version 24.2.2 or later.

The first release of the module includes the following:

  • Added support for loading ipt, iam, and rvt files.
  • Added a new AutoCAD FlexScript API.
  • Updated dwg importer using the Mesh API.

More information about the module can be found in the user manual here:

User Manual - ADSK Interop

Instructions and examples of how to use the module can be found here:

Autodesk Interop Module Example Models

You can find a demo of the new features (10:10 - 29:55) in the Autodesk University class recording here:

Elevating Factory Design: FlexSim and the Future of Autodesk Fusion Digital Factory

If you need to report a bug, please make a post in the Bug Report space. If you have a new idea for the software, please make a suggestion in the Development space.

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Walker huang avatar image Walker huang commented ·

Hi Parker,

after installing this Module, when AutoCAD is imported into FlexSim as background, a few bugs are found as following:

1. unit scale issue. My AutoCAD unit is millimeter, but units convert (from millimeter to meter) in FlexSim is invalid.

2. line color and text of AutoCAD disappears in FlexSim.

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Parker S avatar image Parker S ♦ Walker huang commented ·

@Walker huang

Can you email me the drawing file or attach it in a private post? We can then try to replicate these issues and see what we can do to resolve.

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Walker huang avatar image Walker huang Parker S ♦ commented ·

Hi Parker,

how could I send drawing file to you?

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parker.s contributed to this article

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