
Clair A avatar image
Clair A suggested Joerg Vogel commented

Visual difference between conveyor entry and exit transfers

In the 3D view, entry and exit transfers are drawn with the same shape: a white square.


As a result, when you have several entry and exit transfers along a conveyor it's not always obvious which white squares are entry transfers and which ones are exit transfers:


It would be helpful if users could see the difference between entry and exit transfers at a glance.

For example, draw an arrow on the transfer showing the flow direction:


conveyorexit transferentry transfer
1631200393600.png (11.5 KiB)
1631200827156.png (12.2 KiB)
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Ireneusz Kaczmar avatar image
Ireneusz Kaczmar commented

How to add some transfers to the one conveyor?

· 1
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
Connect a conveyor to another 3D object. This creates automatically a transfer object.
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Ireneusz Kaczmar avatar image
Ireneusz Kaczmar commented
  1. How to add some transfers to the conveyor ?
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