
Jeremy R avatar image
Jeremy R suggested Jason Lightfoot commented

Allow Video Recorder to record a process flow

I have a model with a process flow we would like to record a video of. However, the video recorder does not normally support recording videos of the process flow. It would be incredibly helpful if any version of FlexSim allowed this.

process flowvideo recorder
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo commented

Thanks for the suggestion. I've added a case to the dev list.

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Patrick Cloutier avatar image Patrick Cloutier commented ·
Hello, has there been progress on this idea of being able to record Process Flow with the Video Recorder?


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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Patrick Cloutier commented ·
There hasn't been any progress on this idea yet. It is still on the dev list.
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Jeremy R avatar image
Jeremy R commented

Responding to my own request because we've found a workaround that should be helpful for anyone else who wants to do this.

While you can't use the Video Recorder to sample, if you manually edit the view that the Video Recorder points to in the FlexSim tree, you can force it to point to a process flow. As long as you have Edit Mode enabled, this workaround allows you to record a process flow just like a Dashboard or 3D View. (If Edit Mode is disabled on the process flow, instead you get a black screen in the recorded video.)

Since the functionality seems to be mostly already there, just inaccessible, hopefully this means that officially supporting this recording is not too difficult for the FlexSim developers.

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Miguel V avatar image Miguel V commented ·
Hello, could elaborate on how you were able to force this please?
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Miguel V commented ·
I wouldn't attempt this - when I tried it in the latest version, no output was recorded and the process flow was left in an odd display state causing FlexSim to crash. Please use a 3rd Party screen capture tool like OBS or nVidia's video capture tool until it's implemented in FlexSim's video recorder.
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Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

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