
Christopher H4 avatar image
Christopher H4 asked Christopher H4 edited

Create and assign values to child labels via flexscript

I'm currently creating a model in which I want to record some simulation results as label data. However, to distinguish between model setup labels and results data labels I wanted to create a label called "results" and then assign nodes within "results" to the different values.

Is there some way to do this, preferably via coding (Flexscript or C++)?

FlexSim 20.2.3
labelsflexsim 20.2.3
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Christopher H4 avatar image
Christopher H4 answered Christopher H4 edited

I managed to figure out this issue on my own.

If anyone has this same issue the following is the code I used.



Model.find("TaskExecuter").labels["results"].subnodes[sig_out_channel].value = Result_Data;

The trick was having to have subnodes predefined as nodes with subnodes cannot be dynamically created and allocated as normal nodes can.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered

You can use tables or arrays as labels.

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