
Martin B6 avatar image
Martin B6 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Storage in racks in assigned slots according to OrderNumber

Hello, is it possible that the items are transported by order number and allocated to assigned slots on the racks? The products are delivered to the receiving warehouse (FloorStorage) and are labelled with an order number. In the current model, the operator takes 5 random products and sorts them randomly into the rack.

In the new process, the operator should place all items (Assumption: the operator can always transport all items of an order simultaneously) with the same OrderNumber on an assigned slot on the rack (If possible, the slots near the BatchZone should be stocked first). If at a later time items of an order number, which is already on the rack, arrive at the receiving warehouse, the items should be transported into the same slot.

Can anyone help me with this and show me how to implement it?


Thanks a lot!!


FlexSim 20.2.3
processflowlabelsflexsim 20.2.3rack storage
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

This is done just by finding a Slot by matching slot label. If none is available you can even look for the nearest slot to a full slot of the same order. Some examples in this ticket may help.

In your case it would looks something like this:

In addition to assigning the slot you'll want to label the slot with the order number so that you can find it in the first search. You can also search for items that match, but at the moment that doesn't work until the item is physically in the rack so for now stick with searching for slots and un/labelling them with the order number. If you can have multiple order numbers in the same slot then this will get trickier and you may need to label the slot with an array and use the "IN" sql clause to check that your order is in the slots label array.

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