
Raul J2 avatar image
Raul J2 asked Raul J2 commented

How to resume an item stopped at a decision point using the process flow?

Hello, I currently am working on a model that stops a box when it reaches the decision point on the conveyor and then waits until the box's label is updated to allow it to continue. I am trying to do this using a custom code block in the process flow using this line of code:

Model.find("DP2").as(Object).resume(); (where "DP2") is the decision point at which the box is stopped.

For some reason this line is not doing anything (I've double checked the the line is indeed being run through debugging).

I have also tried using the resume function directly on the stopped item by writing labelTote.resume(); but that also didn't do anything (labelTote represents the actual 3D item).

Is this the correct way to resume the item or is there another way to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


FlexSim 21.1.1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Raul J2 commented

You need to resume the Conveyor.Item

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