
Miguel Pereira avatar image
Miguel Pereira asked Miguel Pereira commented

Doubts in my model

Hello everyone,

I have two problems in my model that i can't fix.

First when the plane is loaded this error appears, i've tried to fix this but i don't find the error.

Second, i have two independent paths but the AGVs from the last path start moving when it's supposed to be the AGVs from the first path to move.

The other path i have i control it by the process flow.

I'll leave here the model if someone can help.


Thanks, Miguel.

FlexSim 21.0.5
agv pathtasksequenceflexsim 21.0.5invalid task
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testeaviaoagv.fsm (1.4 MiB)
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Miguel Pereira commented

Hi @Miguel Pereira,

The error here is coming from what labels you are using in your task sequence. There actually are no labels so the loading task doesn't know what to reference which makes it break. You can see what labels are assigned by clicking on the tokens or batch (2/10). If there were labels assigned to these tokens they would appear where the blue line is:

Also, tasks like this where the plane waits for a group of items is great for lists which was the way I was able to get your model to work (which is the image below). It works by sending putting the bags waiting in the queue on the list. The plane only pulls the bags off the list when there are 10 bags. It will then go through its sequence of loading and unloading the bags before starting over.. Be sure to go through each activity to see how it works. That way you can change the current labels to something that makes more sense to you (the labels are a little tricky when it comes to the sub flows so play around with it until you see how it's working).

testeaviaoagv (1).fsm

For your second question, each AGV group needs to be separated by a different process flow if you want them to act independently. This can be done by adding another AGV Process Flow:

Then duplicate the Global List "AGVWork" in the toolbox menu and call it something new.

You also need to go into the new process flow (AGV2) and find where it says "Global Load List" to change the list to the new one. This should free up your AGV groups to move independent of the other.

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