
Miguel Pereira avatar image
Miguel Pereira asked Eric M commented

Doubt in a AGV Path and a ProcessFlow with "If's"

Hey everyone,

I have a doubt and probably can't do it, but is there a way to have one path with two entries to put objects to move and two ways to leave them?

I mean, in this example of my project:

Two entries: ChegadaBagagens and Left Top;

Two ways out: Left Top and ZonaDescarga.

But, i want to do this:

If they pick the object in the ChegadaBagagem they have to leave it on the Left Top;

If they pick the object in the Left Top they have to leave it on the ZonaDescarga;

Is there a way to do this?

I don't have anything special in the ProcessFlow but a Source, create object and sink, but in the future, i will only have a create object in the ChegadaBagagem.

Thanks and hope you undestand my doubt.

Best Regards, Miguel Pereira.

FlexSim 21.0.5
agvpathtasksequenceflexsim 21.0.5if-else condition
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Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Eric M commented

Hi @Miguel Pereira, this is definitely possible. Just make the same kind of connections you did for the Left Top to ZonaDescarga from ChegadaBagagens to Left Top. I just copied what you had done using a-connections and checking the use transport box with the AGVWork list. Just be sure when you add a new control point to connect it to the NextLookForWork loop. aeroporto-em.fsm

You can do this same type of thing with any of the send to port options and it is commonly done using lists and labels because they can often be used to make more complex decisions. An example would be to assign a label to objects that start at ChegadaBagagens. Then at the Left Top, you would have the queue pull things of that label. I'll attach an example of how lists might work with AGVs if you're curious. Pay attention to the input and output settings. agv-t-v6-2-em (1).fsm

aeroporto-em.fsm (2.5 MiB)
agv-t-v6-2-em-1.fsm (55.0 KiB)
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José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered Miguel Pereira commented

Hello @Miguel Pereira,

You only need one Control Points for each entry or exit (if it is not the same).

If you don't want to use AGV's template, you can create your custom logic: OnEntry in the queue, send an AGV mission and change the destination by case. You can see something similar in this question:

how to use process flow for task executers and multiple buffers? - FlexSim Community

I hope I have been helpful.

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