
Wang L3 avatar image
Wang L3 asked Ryan Clark commented

group resource utilisation

Hi all

I have a question on group resource utilisation.

I am modelling carpark parking activities. I abstracted parking lots as processors in my model.

Can anyone help to advise, how to get a group utilisation of the entire carpark ?

model here: SHT model v1.3.fsm

This is because my objective is to find optimal number of parking lots to open (part of a known capacity) , and I plan to test increasing the arrivals rates and monitor if the carpark is running at a good utilisation (example: 80%). in this case, I also want to know if flexsim optimisor could work?

FlexSim 21.1.0
flexsim 21.1.0resource utilisation
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Ryan Clark commented

Try it with a composite state chart and select the group in chart properties.


· 3
5 |100000

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

In this example model you can drag a standard chart of "Resource Available" - "Resource Available vs. Time" from the Resource activity, which manages the available Processors of a group of processors, into a dashboard.

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Wang L3 avatar image Wang L3 Joerg Vogel commented ·
Thank you for your advice!

May I further ask, if I want to build the same processor for 500 times for the group utilisation, instead of coping and pasting processor for 500 times, any other methods that I could use to make this happen?

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Ryan Clark avatar image Ryan Clark Wang L3 commented ·

Hi @Wang L3,

There are a few different ways you can accomplish increasing the number of processors. Probably the easiest way is to use a parameter setting to indicate how many processors you want, reference a group of the processors., and choose the option "Delete and Copy Group Members." On resetting the model, this will create the number of processors that you indicate by the parameter.

In this modified version of the model, I have set up a parameter like that. Normally, this will create the copies right on top of each other, so that makes things a little difficult to see. So, I also added an OnReset trigger to the original processor (which copies over to the others on reset) to set each processor's location offset from the previous one by some distance. Currently, this only results in a single row of processors, but you could modify the logic if desired to accommodate multiple rows. That might require process flow logic instead of 3D model trigger logic.


I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

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