
Ashmita G avatar image
Ashmita G asked Joerg Vogel edited

Average value per Task Executor - Statistics Collector


This query is regarding calculating the statistics for Task Executors (TE). Thanks in advance for helping.

Say I have a group of 5 TEs, called 'AGV'. I have a label assigned on each TE, which stores the number of boxes it transported in a particular trip, using the process flow. The label is called dunnage.

As per my model, when a TE arrives on a specified control point, I need to get the statics collected from that particular TE.

So I used the On Arrival Event in my statistics collector for that control point.

Now my dashboard displays the results using a bar graph. Each bar corresponds to each of the 5 TEs.

My requirement was such that each bar in that graph is supposed to provide the average dunnage it carried, per TE.

As in:

corresponding to AGV1-> Average Dunnage carried by AGV1.

corresponding to AGV2-> Average Dunnage carried by AGV2.


I used a tracked variable, but it seems it is providing an averaged value of dunnage carried by all the 5 members of the group. Kindly guide as to how I may proceed if I need per TE values.

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3statistics collectortask executersaverage
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

I collect the data in a global table.


5 |100000

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