
Thomas JR avatar image
Thomas JR asked Thomas JR commented

Can you enable/disable Statistical collector through custom code?

I can find the variable "enable" in the tree for my Statistical collector, but I dont know how to access it.

I tried something like

  1. Model.find("Path to Statistical Collector").labels["enable"] = 1.0;

without success.

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3statistics collector
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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Thomas JR commented


You can use the below code to enable and disable the statistics collector. You can find this in tree node (Tools>>StatisticsCollectors>>StatisticsCollector1>>Variables)

  1. Model.find("Tools/StatisticsCollectors/StatisticsCollector1>variables/enabled").value = 0;

0 - Disable

1 - Enable



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