
Ryusuke T avatar image
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Ryusuke T asked Jordan Johnson commented

Permutation not found in FlexSim 2021

I was doing OptQuest with permutations in FlexSim 2020.

However, I noticed that FlexSim 2021 does not have permutation items.

In FlexSim 2021, I know that the setting information has been moved from the "Optimizer Design" tab to the "Model Parameter Table". However, I couldn't find it there either.

How can I do OptQuest with permutations in FlexSim 2021?

FlexSim 21.0.4
model parameters tableflexsim 21.0.4permutation
1622006055715.png (14.4 KiB)
1622006096247.png (25.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

You can use the Sequence variable. Instead of adding N permutation variables, you specify that the sequence length is N. OptQuest will see a single sequence variable as N permuation variables in a permuation group.

· 6
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