
Philip Diem avatar image
Philip Diem asked Philip Diem answered

Processor blocked even if downstream is free

Hi Guys.

I have a little Problem I can't wrap my head around.
The model attached is an assembly line which is part of a bigger Model im working on.

The model itself isn't that complicated. it's a a line of an assembly station, followed by two flashing stations followed by a testing station.
The operator is used for assembly and the setup of the flash as well as the testing stations.
It's completely realized with aprocess flows and lists.

The troubling part is, the Model attached works. No problem.
I developed that on its own to test it before i implement it in the bigger model.
The problem is, as soon as I implemented it in the bigger model it stopped working and I can't figure out why. As soon as the first two items are processed, the assembly station stays blocked although the downstream is free (see picture below).
at first I I copied the testing model into the bigger model and it didn't work even though i completely re-did all paramters and connections. As I figured flexim just didn't copy something that was probably neccessary I completely rebuild it in the bigger model but with the same result. It doesn't work.
I out of wit at this point. Can somone point me to a direction?


FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3processorlistsblocked
1623220767598.png (165.0 KiB)
montagetest.fsm (78.8 KiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Hi @Philip Diem,

the issue in the second model is that the order in which the stations are connected to the first processor is different to the ordering within their group.

In the following screenshot, note how the input arrow of the lower station is red, although the item was transported to the upper one. That's because the processor was sending the item out through its first port (first available) but that got overridden by the process flow, where the other station was acquired (due to order in group). For the input of the lower station to be freed up again, the model is waiting for the first item to finish processing on that station, which it never will as it was brought to the other station.

Due to the randomized process times, this could probably still happen if you switch the connections around. To prevent this you could just not use any connections between the processors, as all logic is controlled by the process flow anyway. Just push the item to the respective list in "Send To Port" instead of "Use Transport".

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Philip Diem avatar image
Philip Diem answered

Thanks to both of you, I see where the problem is now!
As I didn't use distibutions for the processtimes the problem didn't occur in the small test model.
It should also work to just request the flash station thats equal to the designated sendto port on the assembly station.
Thanks again :)

Greetings to Spain and Germany

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