
Enrique Da avatar image
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Enrique Da asked Ryan Clark commented

Blocked Task executers

task executers.fsm

Hello, can you give me a hand with this?

I had an executer (ex4) doing two tasks (processing and carrying stuff) at the same time so, when the processor had two items ready to be processed, ex4 operations were blocked. I think that maybe he had to choose between processing one of the two elements in the queue and he couldn’t do anything bc both tasks had the same priority… At first I tried changing preemption priorities bc I thought that the problem was choosing between processing or carrying but, after applying a color change to the processor's output,I realized that both objetcs were in queue to be processed. I would be very happy if someone can give me an answer, thanks

FlexSim 22.1.0
processortask executerblocked
task-executers.fsm (62.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Ryan Clark commented

The problem is that the operator is unable to load the box from the stopped processor. If the transport task sequence is assigned ahead of the "utilize" sequence, this leads to the blocked state you encountered. Both the operator and processor wait for each other.

As a workaround, you could add a queue directly behind the processor and have the operator transport items from there to the final queue. This prevents the items being stuck in the stopped processor.



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