
anon-user avatar image
anon-user asked anon-user commented

Processor input block after 2425 seconds

The attached model works fine up to 2425 seconds,

After 2425 seconds, processor1 has a problem of stopping operation.

At that time, the input is blocked even though the processor1 is idle.

What causes this processor1 to hang in 2425 seconds?

FlexSim 21.0.5
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered anon-user commented

The issue is that at time 2402.5 new items enter the first processor while one item is "in the process" of exiting. (The exit trigger opens the input and items enter before the finished item has actually left)

In some way, this causes the processor to evaluate it's capacity incorrectly, not freeing up the input again.

This can be fixed by opening the input in the entry trigger of the second processor, instead of the exit trigger of the first. Another way would be to have the exit trigger send a message with a delay of 0 seconds and open the input in a message trigger. This gives the exiting item time to actually leave the processor.


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