
Paula Carneiro Martins avatar image
Paula Carneiro Martins asked Paula Carneiro Martins commented

Acquire resource using a negative query saved in a token label

Good morning,

I am working in a project that I need to acquire an specific Manifold (Resource), depending on the restrictions of access.

We have 3 Manifolds available, and the raw material (MP) can have 3 main sets:

1) Access only 1 manifold : Query needs to be : "WHERE manifold==possible manifold"

2) Access all manifolds :Query needs to be : "None"

3) Access more than 1 and less than all:
Query needs to be : WHERE manifold!=impossible manifold[1] AND manifold!=impossible manifold[2] AND manifold!=impossible manifold[n]

For the 2 first situations, I have sucess using the code that I used (Model attached) , But for the situation 3, the code is not working.

Can you please, help me out!


FlexSim 21.0.4
queryacquire resourceflexsim 21.0.4
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Paula Carneiro Martins commented

The label lb_numManifold has a string value, but the query in the 3rd case is putting a number in the query.

  1. WHERE  lb_numManifold != 2

You need to put quotes around the number so the query is looking for the string version of that number

  1. WHERE  lb_numManifold != "2"


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