
Jigar P avatar image
Jigar P asked Jeanette F commented

Forklift load and unload multiple pallets

I am working on a warehouse simulation model with shuttle system. As a part of the requirement, I need to transport 2 pallet loads from floor storage to pick and drop locations. I tried using List but however it doesn't work. It creates an array of pallets but however it doesn't pick up. Is there any way to do it? Basically, the requirement is pick up 2 pallets of same time from Floor storage and drop it at Queue1. I am using process flows. Please refer to snap and focus only on that part of the process flow

FlexSim 21.1.2
warehousetransporterflexsim 21.1.2palletload multiple item
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Matheus Coelho avatar image
1 Like"
Matheus Coelho answered Matheus Coelho edited


@Jigar P , @Joerg Vogel is right. The correct way to load and unload theese items is creating a array.

I create a label "cargo"and put a "append to array" every time the transporter pick a item.

and then, to release this cargo i remove a value of this label and then loop.



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Matheus Coelho avatar image
Matheus Coelho answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hello Jigar,

One way to solve your problem is creating a loop in the load station. You can set two labels in your token (capacity and content) and just require one item at a time. And then, create a decide to pick another item (requiring another item from list) until the capacity is equal to contents. After that, you have to increment your trigger "travel to a home location" for your equipment do not turn to your home location every time it pick a item. You have to create the same kind of a loop to unload station.

1. Loop


2. First Assign Label (Creating label capacity and content)


3. Second assign label (incrementing label content)


4. Decide


5. Trigger


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