
Linh Thị NN avatar image
Linh Thị NN asked Linh Thị NN edited

On Entry Trigger open Port

Dear you guys, I'm trying to build a model. I had 6 racks and I want to set On Entry Trigger. I want to set If racks store 50% of location (required condition), Open port for transporters to pick pallet. I set OnEntryTrigger and use Close and Open Ports, but the transporters still pick up pallets immediately after they are stored. How can I do? Can you please help me?

FlexSim 19.0.0
rackwarehousetransporterflexsim 19.0.0on entry trigger
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Linh Thị NN commented

Hi @Linh Thị NN, the ports need to be closed first before they are opened. Include an 'on reset' trigger that closes the ports so when the condition is met, the ports can open.

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