
Joseph L4 avatar image
Joseph L4 asked Joseph L4 commented

Picking from multiple queues based on percentage

roofTruss2Worker - Copy.fsmI have a crane (acting as an operator), that is responsible for picking up pallets from 9 queues and dropping them on a conveyor belt. I want the crane to pick from a certain queue based on a percentage. How can I do this?

FlexSim 21.1.4
queueflexsim 21.1.4by percentageflowmanagement queues
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Joseph L4 commented

Hey @Joseph L4, I decided to use process flow for this. I figured I could create a group of the Queues so I could reference them by an index and then use an assign labels to assign an index to a token by percentage. Then that token could have a different index assigned to it for each task which would tell the crane where to go.

I used a list with partitions for this. Partitions work by basically segmenting the list into different groups. That way when you pull from the list you can specify which partition you want to pull from. Each queue gets its own partition which matches its index in the group. That index matches the label on the token of course. So now each of the queues has its own section on the list, and the token gets assigned an index by percentage that tells it which queue to pull from.

The main thing is setting the partition for pushing and pulling which you can see if you look at the Send to Port on the queues and Pull from List in the process flow. Let me know if you have any questions!


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