
Sandeep_kumar I2 avatar image
Sandeep_kumar I2 asked Sandeep_kumar I2 commented

I don't see Reverse direction feature in Conveyors in the 2021 Update1

This is one of frequently used features when building conveyor lines. But I don't see it in the 2021 Update1. Please provide your feedback. I would like to enable this.

FlexSim 21.1.3
software update#missingfeature#conveyors
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
Have you tried to set a negative speed?
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Sandeep_kumar I2 avatar image Sandeep_kumar I2 commented ·
Yes, but by default it sets to zero when I enter negative numbers. 2020 has a simple reverse direction button and I don't have to break and rotate the conveyor all the way around to set it in the right direction.
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Sandeep_kumar I2 commented

Quick Properties between start and end point edit fields

change-direction-quick-properties.gif@Sandeep_kumar I2

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Sandeep_kumar I2 avatar image Sandeep_kumar I2 commented ·

This seems quite hidden. Thanks for the help. This is the option I was looking for.

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