
Nouf avatar image
Nouf asked Joerg Vogel commented

queue send to port if label is met or after 10 minutes.


I need your assistance with this project. I am currently facing an issue with the "South_Gate1" queue, as you see in the picture. What I am trying to do, is to make the operator only takes the bags if two conditions are met, the first one is if "pid" the label on the queue reaches 25, or if it's been ten minutes, in case if the "pid" didn't reach 25.

Note: "pid" represents the number of a different group of bags.


Can you help me?


FlexSim 20.2.3
queueoperatorset labeltimerqueue items
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

you have two conditions. The timed event will be fulfilled if the other does not happen before. This means you must create an event that happens always in the future wether it is valid or not. You can send a delayed message and evaluate this message if the condition is still active to get fulfilled. Other events are an user event, a delayed process flow. You can test this timed event if it is valid by checking if a label value is still unchanged, an item is still not be moved from an object, then this timed event will do this conditional action. The other condition can happen if a content of “South_Gate1” queue reaches on an entry event the value of 25. You can evaluate the statistical content or the subnodes length of this object. If this happens you change the test label value, which will prove later that this conditional content event has not happened before.
subnodes length:

· 4
5 |100000

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