
Tarun M avatar image
Tarun M asked Eric M commented

i would like to have combiner quantity random every time a task is complete

i want the combiner to pack 12-15 items in a pallet at random.

FlexSim 21.1.4
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

You must know, there is a picklist property on entry trigger of a combiner which updates the components list each time a new pallet enters the combiner. This property copies the values of a global table into the combiner components list. This is totally independent from a different label value. This means you can change the global table cell values and those currently availbale values are copied into the combiner. The attached model updates the global table first cell each time a last item leaves the combiner by a random value in the range 12 .. 15. And a new entering pallet updates the internal components list then.


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