
hugror avatar image
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hugror asked Jason Lightfoot commented

When 2 given items are on a pallet, combine them into another


I have some pallets that can have 2 types of items on it. When 1 item of each type is on a pallet, I want to transform them into one other item.

For instance :

1 item1 + 0 Item2 = 1 item1

0 item1 + 1 Item2 = 1 item2

1item1 + 1 item2 = 1 item3

2items1 + 1 item2 = 1item1 + 1item3

and so on.

Is there any simple way to make the transformation ?

thanks in advance.

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1 Answer

José Antonio MD avatar image
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José Antonio MD answered José Antonio MD commented

Hello @Hugror,

You have different options to achieve your objective: using more objects or modifiying the logic.

An easy way would be to use for example the OnProcessFinish event and customize the logic (see an example using a Trigger in the combiner: by editing the code you will be able to change labels, delete objects, create, etc.). You could also do it using ProcessFlow (although I don't know if you have some knowledge using ProcessFlow).

I hope I have helped you.

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