
Ali H avatar image
Ali H asked Jeanette F commented

stop processor until combiner have pallet

modelo.fsmHello everyone,

This is my issue, currently my product is processed in processor1 before my taskexecuter puts the pallet on any of the combiner.

I hope for your support to do the following

• I want my processor1 to wait to do its process until a pallet reaches one of the combiner

• The combiner can be filled with pallets, without restriction

FlexSim 18.0.10
combinerprocessorspalletstop item
modelo.fsm (21.8 KiB)
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Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered

Hello @Ali H ,

I create the logic you want with Process Flow. An Event-Triggered Source creates a Token every time the Source1 creates a box, immediately I close the input port of Processor1 and hold the Token until one of the Combiners receives a pallet, then I resume the input from Processor 1.

About your second question, the combiner can be filled with pallets without restriction only by giving an Inter-Arrival time of 0 to Source2.


modelo-modified.fsm (26.2 KiB)
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Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered

Hello @Ali H,

There's a fairly simple way to accomplish this by using triggers. I have the processor's OnReset trigger close its input to prevent the process from starting right away. Then, on both of the Combiners, I added OnEntry triggers to open the processor's input once a pallet enters either Combiner for the first time. Here is my modified version of your model: modelo-rc.fsm

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

modelo-rc.fsm (21.1 KiB)
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