
Travis Cunningham avatar image
Travis Cunningham asked Phil BoBo commented

Can a robot be used as a processor (or be connected to a processor as an operator)?

I have two robots near a set of combiners. One of the robots purpose is to move items from a conveyor to the combiner. The other robot is to 'dispense' compounds into that item.

Currently I have a few sources creating items (that I am calling compounds) and the dispensing robot moves these items to the combiner, and then moves away from the combiner after unload.

I would like for the robot to be present during the processing (combining) time.

FlexSim 16.1.0
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo commented

Yes, you can use a robot as an operator.

robot-operator.gif (11.0 MiB)
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs edited

I'd have to look into what options there are for turning a robot INTO a processor. Of course you could always program the logic to add in delays and state change to BUSY to mimic the idea of it processing. But you can definitely use the robot as the operator for the process.

Just make a center port connection from the Processor to the Robot, and then in the Processor's properties window, under the main Processor tab, just check the checkbox that says: "Use Operator(s) for Process." And just make sure the "Pick Operator" is calling the centerobject function which it should by default.

useasoperator.png (24.8 KiB)
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