
Judy_katherine Mt avatar image
Judy_katherine Mt asked Judy_katherine Mt commented


Requiero que el en el procesamiento por lote el tamaño de lote (Batch Size) cambie de manera aleatoria siempre en un rango que vaya de 1 a 5. Esto porque en el modelo que se adjunta, para el proceso denominado shooting se tiene que en un mismo tiempo se pueden procesar varios productos que siempre se encuentran en el rango que se ha mencionado. Modelo SVC_1.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.4
batch processingrandombatch size
modelo-svc-1.fsm (3.8 MiB)
modelo-svc-1.fsm (3.8 MiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Judy_katherine Mt commented

Hi @Judy_katherine Mt I would use process flow and lists for this logic. It works by pushing items to a list that enter the conveyor. A token is created at the beginning of the model for each processor in the "Grupo Shooting" group with a label called Processor that references the token's assigned processor. Other labels are also created called "ProcessTime" and "BatchSize." These labels reference the previous processing time and batch quantity in your model. The reason for these labels is to assign a new batch quantity and process time for the processor for each batch they collect. A custom code activity sets the process time to whatever the new label value is. Then the processor token pulls items off the list (quantity determined by token.BatchSize assigned earlier). A delay then happens which just lets the last item in the batch move on the conveyor for a time before the items are moved into the processor. The token then waits for the process to finish and repeats the process.

You will notice that I'm using a different conveyor than what was originally in the model. For some reason, the original conveyor was causing weird graphics to happen with the items. You can adjust the way the new conveyor looks in the "Visualization" setting of the properties. Let me know if you have any questions.


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5 |100000

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Judy_katherine Mt avatar image Judy_katherine Mt commented ·
Thank you so much
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