
Jose A10 avatar image
Jose A10 asked Jose A10 commented

Associate Robots to a specific queue


I'm doing a crossdocking system and I have a question about how to associate robots to a specific queue.

I have 6 queues, each one represents an area destinated to the items needed to fullfill a specific dispatch order. Then, I have 2 robots that grab the items of a queue and send them to a combiner, combining those items with a pallet. So, I wnat that robot1 only grab items from Queue1,2,3 and robot2 of Queue3,4,5.

How can I do this?

If requested I can post my model.

@Eric M

FlexSim 21.0.3
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Jose A10 commented

Hi @Jose A10, I would add some kind of reference on the Queues to the robot you want to use. This could be a label or an s-connection or something. Then when the items are ready to be transported, you can create a task sequence for the robot and reference it based on the label / connection. The key here is just using some kind of logic that will allow you to reference the robot based on which queue the items are in when creating a task sequence.

In the attached example, I used an s-connection from the queues to the robots. I created a label referencing the item's specific queue in the Source activity. Then, in the Create Task Sequence activity, I use the code token.Queue.centerObjects[1] to assign the task sequence to the desired robot. Let me know if you have any questions.

robot based on queue.fsm

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