
Miguel Pereira avatar image
Miguel Pereira asked Miguel Pereira commented

How to change the orientation of task executor.


How can i correct the orientation of my task executers (Plane).

Look in my example, i have the AGV orientation on "forward only", the ones from the right are correct. But the ones in the left are wrong, they go backwards.


I've put that AGV orientation in the first straight next to the planes that start on the right, if you run the model you'll the ones from the left source going backwards.

How can i fix this?

Thanks, Miguel.

FlexSim 21.0.5
flexsim 21.0.5object rotationobject visualvehicle orientation
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Miguel Pereira commented

Hi @Miguel Pereira, path57 has the AGV Orientation setting to "forward only." Change that to Any and it should work fine.

Another option would be to change the actual object's base rotation. As you can see in the animator (image below), the planes have different "forward" directions (which is why the one on the left looks like it's going backwards, based on how it's defined it thinks it's going forward).


To fix this base rotation, click on the plane you want to change and click on More Visuals in the properties window. Then click on Shape Factors and change the Z-rotation by 180 degrees (change to 270, currently 90). Then you can leave the path as "forward" and the planes will have the same forward direction.


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