
Cindy Azuero avatar image
Cindy Azuero asked Adrian Haws edited

Process Flow creating objects in wrong location


I'm creating the pallets on the trucks with the process flow using the Create Object activity but I note that the pallets are being created outside the truck.

This also happens with some queues where I use the same method.

This is affecting my results, specially the truck issue because of the distance that the operators have to travel to collect a box from one of these pallets.

Can you help me with this?

FlexSim 16.1.0
process flowcreate objectpositionset locationobject visual
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Adrian Haws edited

The Create Object activity only creates an object and places it inside of the Destination object. It does not do any positioning of that created object. In order to for your object to be placed in the desired location, add a Change Visual activity and choose from one of the Set Location pick options.

For Container Flowitems you can define its packing method, which would eliminate the need for the Change Visual activity. However, for creating Task Executers you would have to create the packing method manually with an OnReceive node.

changevisual.png (22.7 KiB)
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