
Daniel R13 avatar image
Daniel R13 asked Daniel R13 commented

FlexSim Application Programming Intefaces

Hi FlexSim Community!

I was wondering if anyone had any insight into the capabilities of FlexSim when it comes to making application programming interface calls outside of the FlexSim environment or making calls from external software packages to the FlexSim environment. From my limited understanding, it seems that FlexScript was created on top of a C/C++ compiler so their could be some interfacing options there but I am not 100% sure. If anyone has any leads please let me know. Thanks!


FlexSim 21.1.4
flexsim 21.1.4developmentprogrammingintegrationapis
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Daniel R13 commented

@Daniel R13 There are different ways to communicate with FlexSim and if you look around on the forum you will find a lot of information. A few options:

Option 1 using the command line: Automatically Configure and Run a FlexSim Model - FlexSim Community

Option 2: creating your own DLL: Module SDK Key Concepts (

This articles talks about the integration with python but contains a lot of useful information : Using FlexSim with Python/C api - FlexSim Community

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Daniel R13 avatar image Daniel R13 commented ·
Thank you Steven!


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