
Tao A avatar image
Tao A asked Tao A commented

One conveyor with multi ExitTransfer

Hi @Jeanette F,

Follow topic Sorter conveyor and Photo Eye, We change the design as this link:

"If Operator is busy with Processor, Flowitem is transferred to next Processor. After he finish, He come back conveyor to pick Flowitem up"

I try to set up Operator is busy but I can't how to do. Finally, I can set up the Processor is processing. It worked.

But after 2 min simulation, 02 box come in the same time and logic is stop. Pls check file and instruction me how to solve it.

BTW, how to set up the OPERATOR_STATE_BUSY? I would to do it than PROCESSOR_STATE_PROCESSING.


FlexSim 21.1.4
conveyorflexsim 21.1.4
test1.fsm (49.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Tao A commented

Hello @Tao A ,

This is occurring because the processor is idle for 3 boxes until it is processing again. The two boxes sent to the exit transfer are then blocking the other boxes from going to processor 2. I moved the DP closer to the exit transfer and I changed the logic to see if the operator was not idle.

Decision Point Logic_JF.fsm

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