
PT2 avatar image
PT2 asked Eric M commented

Controlling the content on conveyors

Hi, I am trying to control the content on conveyors, and want it no more than 1 on any conveyor. For this I am using the triggers On Entry and On Exit, but somehow the triggers doesn't seem to work. I have created this simple model to test the triggers.


FlexSim 21.1.4
flexsim 21.1.4using conveyors
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann edited

For conveyors, the entry and exit transfers handle the input and output of items. So you have to close the output of those rather than the conveyor itself to stop items from moving onto the next conveyor.

There two "directions" you can build the logic in. Either you close the input whenever an item enters and open it again when an item leaves or you close the output when an item leaves and open it again when an item leaves the next object in the chain.

I would also like to suggest a different solution. In your case, of only ever wanting one item on a conveyor at a time, you can simply set the "Entry Space" to be at least as large as the length of the conveyor. This way FlexSim will automatically stop more than one item from entering as the space between them would be too small.



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