
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Stan Davis commented

Intermittent Answers Site Search Issue

Pls be aware this site intermittently returns “Unable to execute search because the search index does not exist, please contact your site administrator” on valid keyword searches. I think it has something to do with how responsive the network/site is at the moment because later those same searches are successful.


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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Stan Davis commented

Hi @Stan Davis ,

Sorry for the troubles! Our Q&A platform provider and host, AnswerHub, is constantly releasing updates with new features and fixes to the site. Hopefully what you're seeing is a blip that will clear up with a new release in the near future.

I know it is somewhat inconvenient, but if the internal search is not working you can still use Google to search just our Answers site. Do so by typing something like this into Google's search bar (using "cylinder" as an example search query):

  1. cylinder

Thanks for your patience.

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