
Matheus Souza avatar image
Matheus Souza asked Jeanette F commented

How to organize items on a pallet?

When the item is placed back on the pallet, the item is in a floating position. Is there any command via process flow (custom code) to rearrange the items?


FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3palletitem objects
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1 Answer

Afonso Teberga avatar image
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Afonso Teberga answered Joerg Vogel commented

Matheus, default pallets in FlexSim already have a packing behavior. Considering the process flow, it can be activated when you create an item "in" the pallet (using the "Create Object" activity) or when you move an item into the pallet (using the "Move Object" activity). For example, if token.pallet is a reference to a previously created pallet, you can create items "in" this pallet:


I attached a model with an example. Example create items on pallet.fsm

Are you creating your pallets and items this way? I also noticed your pallet has items with different shapes and I think that the default packing behavior does not always work well in this cases.

If you want to change an item position, you can also use the "Change Visual" activity. There are "set location" options, such as the "Set Location to Object Location":


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