
vigneshs avatar image
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vigneshs asked Ben Wilson edited

Client server socket connection failing at socketinit()

The socket example here is failing at socketinit(). I'm not able to create a socket at port 8888. Any reason what should be done to create a socket and establish communication between client and server and send data between them. Can this be fixed ?

This model was built in version 7 and im using 21.3 version is that an issue?


FlexSim 21.0.3
flexsim 21.0.3serverclient (27.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

Hi @vignesh.s ,

I just tested the models in your .zip file using two local instances of FlexSim.

Everything worked fine for me.

You may already have some other service using port 8888. Try a different port. You'll need to change both models to use your chosen port number.

When I started the socket I received a prompt like this from Windows:

1628774745729.pngThat example above I just pulled off the internet, but the prompt I received was identical except for referencing FlexSim instead of Microsoft Teams. When I was prompted for what communication I wanted to allow for FlexSim, I chose to allow communication over all 3 network types.

1628774745729.png (294.9 KiB)
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