
Nurul Ain bt Ismayudin I avatar image
Nurul Ain bt Ismayudin I asked Nurul Ain bt Ismayudin I edited

Produce 4 different types of product that have different cycle time

Hello. I have few problems that I'm hoping someone could help me with.

1) How do i produce 4 different products from a source? where each of the product has different cycle time

2) How do i do the simulation of an operator who will be able to push a button to call for the AGV everytime a trolley that is used to keep the products full?

3) How do i make an operator load product from queue to AGV?

line F simulation 2.fsm

FlexSim 21.0.3
simulationflexsim 21.0.3agv loaddifferent item types
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered Nurul Ain bt Ismayudin I edited

Hello @Nurul Ain bt Ismayudin I ,

You seem to have basic questions about FlexSim. To have the most success with building your model I highly recommend that you complete some tutorials.

Another resource that is both a great tutorial and learning resource is Dr. Allen Greenwood’s FlexSim Primer.

These tutorials will help you with the how to create different types of products and how those products can then have different processing times. They will teach you how to connect operators and use them. Dr. Allen Greenwood's primer also goes over how to have a subflow for an operator to do an extra action.

Once you have taken the time to learn FlexSim a bit better. Come back to the forum with a new question. I suggest only asking related questions in the same post for a quicker response time.

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