Hello everyone i am stuck within my model. I would like to debug a problem that keeps occurring in the take another Pallet From Rack block. The model represents some activities of a picking of different panels stacked on the floor storage. There are two phases of picking activities:
1. First phase the transporter retrieve the pallet from the rack according to the product type required by an OrdersTable imported from excel.
2. Second phase an operator is building the order according to the quantity of items required by the OrdersTable, retrieving the single items from the pallet retrieved by the transporter
The process is repeated through a loop iterating over the columns and rows of the OrdersTable. The rows of Table represent the different orders happening in different days, instead the columns represent the type of panels (Length) required by one order.
The loop is working properly, i have just one problem in case the pallet retrieved finishes the items on the pallet and the operator has to still finish to compose the order (the quantity of items required for each type is given by the intersection between rows and columns of the OrdersTable). In this case i created another block "Take another Pallet from Rack" that get another pallet of the same type from the rack so that the operator can continue the Compose Order activity.The problem is that FlexSim throw some exceptions manly due to the inability to retrieve the item from the list.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem and properly debug the model?