
anon-user avatar image
anon-user asked Eric M commented

the target batch size in the model parameter table

Is it possible to set the target batch size of Queue in the model parameter table?

Not found in the menu.

FlexSim 21.0.5
batchflexsim 21.0.5model parameters table
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

It seems the batch size hasn't been turned into a "property" yet. I also don't have the 21.2 version available right now to check if it was added.

You can still set the batch size though. If you have already chosen the queue as reference, open the code editor for "On Set" and change it to the following:

  1. /**Custom Code*/
  2. treenode reference = param(1);
  3. Variant newValue = param(2);
  4. Variant oldValue = param(3);
  5. int isReset = param(4);
  7."batchsize", newValue);

Everything but the first row should already be in there. The last row sets the batch size of the queue.

"Properties" and the "setProperty" command were added relatively recently and not all variables are available as those yet. If you find more options that are not available you can look if you find the value under the "variables" node in the objects tree. Then use the above "setVariable" command to change it.

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