
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Ryan Clark commented

Change Network Color

Is there a way to change a network's color in order to better differentiate it from separate network?? I am unable to find any info in the manual or Answers addressing this. Thanks.

FlexSim 21.1.5
flexsim 21.1.5travel networksnetwork
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Ryan Clark commented

It is not currently possible to change the color of nodes or paths in a travel network, unfortunately.

The AGV objects were recently updated in 21.2 to be color changeable, which is what I believe @Ryan Clark is referring to.

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Ryan Clark avatar image Ryan Clark commented ·
Yes, that is what I was referring to. Sorry for the confusion @Stan Davis! But the travel networks are not able to change color in the current version of FlexSim.
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Ryan Clark avatar image
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Ryan Clark answered Ryan Clark commented

Hi @Stan Davis,

That is unfortunately not a feature in the version of FlexSim that you are using. It is a feature in the most recent update of FlexSim (21.2.x), so you would be able to use that feature in that most recent version.

Hope this helps!

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Stan Davis avatar image Stan Davis commented ·
thanks for the response. I'm upgrading. - Stan
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Stan Davis avatar image Stan Davis Stan Davis commented ·
Ryan, I've upgraded to 21.2.2, but I'm not seeing the feature to change network path color.
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Ryan Clark avatar image Ryan Clark Stan Davis commented ·
Hi @Stan Davis,

Are you referring to an AGV travel path? Or a travel network path? Or something else?

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Stan Davis avatar image Stan Davis commented ·
I am referring to travel network paths.
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