
Michael D6 avatar image
Michael D6 asked Ryan Clark commented

Conveyor To Robot Process Flow

Attached is a very simplified model I am hoping to get some help to understand. The problem involves multiple robots being fed simultaneously by a conveyor. When connected within the model the simulation runs as desired (see attached). I want to understand how to create this as a general process flow and not just within the model. I am having a hard time linking conveyors and robots to queues when using the process flow. So essentially I want the packages sent to each conveyor outlet evenly, then upon arrival at the end of the conveyor the robot executes the task and places the package in the queue. Conveyor_To_Robot.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.0
conveyorrobotflexsim 21.2.0
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
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Ryan Clark answered Ryan Clark commented

Hello @Michael D6,

I think the key thing to remember when dealing with conveyors is that you often need to point to Exit Transfers in order to get proper event handling and triggers. The modifications I've made to this model are fairly simple: I just created a task sequence whenever an item arrives at any of the Exit Transfers. The task sequence gets the robot to load and unload that item.


I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

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