
Victor BL avatar image
Victor BL asked Victor BL commented

Transfering part from conveyor to processor and returning it to conveyor.

Hi everyone!

Im a new user on Flexsim and trying to create a system using a "closed" conveyor. A robot would remove the parts from the conveyor, place it on the processor, and return the part to the conveyor again once finished. After connecting the elements, when the part stops at the photo-eye, the robot doesnt pick the part up. Is it possible do that? Thank you for your help in advance.

File: conveyorTest.fsm


FlexSim 21.2.0
conveyorprocessorrobotflexsim 21.2.0
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conveyortest.fsm (49.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Victor BL commented

Moving items off of and onto conveyors is handled by "Entry-" and "ExitTranfers", the little white squares that appear when you connect an to a conveyor with an "A-connection". In order to have an item leave the conveyor at a certain Exit Transfer you have to "send" it there. This can be done via the "Send Item" option in the Photo Eye or Decision Point triggers.

In the attached model I used a center connection between the Photo Eye and the Transfer to point to the correct destination but you could also select the Transfer directly with the pipette tool.

Furthermore you will have to check the "Use Transport" option on the Exit Transfer and make sure that the robot is properly connected to it (with an "S-connection").

Finally, you have to make sure that there is enough space between the Exit and Entry Transfer as otherwise items might not be able to re-enter the conveyor while there is a second item waiting to be picked up at the Exit Transfer.


conveyortest-fm.fsm (49.7 KiB)
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Victor BL avatar image Victor BL commented ·
Thank you for your help!
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