
Dylan Webb avatar image
Dylan Webb asked Dylan Webb commented

Module SDK SnowProcessor example does not work

This exception is thrown endlessly in the System console when dropping the SnowProcessor onto the model floor:

"exception: Exception caught in evaluation of <no path>"

I have closely followed the steps in the accompanying documentation twice now and I can't get it to work. The compiler settings also match my VS version (2019), and I've tried Debug/Release, x86/x64 etc. Also, the steps for adding a MyTaskExecuter also don't work - the task executer doesn't appear in the drag and drop library panel.
Can someone confirm that it's working with the latest version?

FlexSim 21.0.5
module sdkflexsim 21.0.5
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Dylan Webb commented

I have closely followed the steps in the accompanying documentation

If you are looking at "accompanying documentation" of the Module SDK, then you probably are using a Module SDK for an older version of FlexSim. The Module SDK downloads in the Account section of the website are for older versions of FlexSim.

Starting with FlexSim 2021, the Module SDK documentation and files are now included in the User Manual. See Module SDK Quick Start (

If you are using an old version of the Module SDK, then you are probably using header and library files from an older version of FlexSim. Those won't work with FlexSim 21.0.5, which is the version your question is tagged as. Your dll will not attach properly if you haven't compiled it with the proper flexsimcontent headers and library files that match the version you are targeting.

I just tested the SnowProcessor example, and it is working just fine with the latest version of FlexSim.

The reason why MyTaskExecuter doesn't appear in the library is described here: MyTaskExecuter Not In Library - FlexSim Community

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