
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Ryan Clark commented

Wait For Event Issue with Referenced 3D Object's Token Value Change

I am testing logic where a token will wait until its 3D object's label has been updated by another token. Ultimately, the 3D object's label value will provide move destination information.

The test logic works except for implementing the 'Wait for Event' activity to monitor for a change in the 3D object's token value.

I have created a simple model demonstrating my issue.

In process flow, a 'creation' token creates and pushes a 3D object to a list. The 'creation' token then waits until the 'Main' token arrives, pulls the object from the list and updates its 'Line' label.

I have created the 3D object's 'Line' label as a regular label and as a tracked variable. Both methods result in the same 'Wait for Event' error:

Error: Invalid triggering event, event rank 1, at wait for event activity

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Wait for Label Value Change Event Issue.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.5
processflowevent triggerflexsim 21.1.5
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

I would suggest you instead wait for the puller token to enter the next activity after it assigned the label value. That seems much easier than listening for a value change. Or would this not be possible in the model you want to integrate this in?

Another way could be to wait for message to the process flow containing the id of the token that created the item. (Create a label on the item to reference the token, then the puller token can send a message with its id value)

In both cases, a delay should be added after the "Pull from List" activity (and removed after the "Push to List") to make sure the first token has arrived in the Wait for Event activity before the puller token sets the label.


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