
Claudia P3 avatar image
Claudia P3 asked Ryan Clark commented

Create an item with variable fluid kilograms

Hi, I'm using a FluidToItem to produce some products but the amount of fluid is variable and I want to use a distribution. It is posible?

FlexSim 21.2.2
statistical distributionflexsim 21.2.2productsfluidtoitem
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

Please consider a different approach and use instead a Fluid Terminator object. You watch its statistic by a process flow and decide on statistic input port values when you create an item by a Create Object activity. You can adjust the input rate for each port. Once you have reached the input value in relation to a previous input value you create your item. Now you are able to control any dependencies on your item during it consumes fluid material only by watching the statistic and comparing this value by other label values.

5 |100000

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